audio post production


Great Story Sound LLC

is providing audio post production services for film and tv. Sound supervision, sound creation, audio editing, music editing and mixing on stages in Los Angeles. We are all ears to your story and will help it stand out with sound. Together with our sister studio in Europe we provide 24/7 client service and talent around the world. We are a member of TPN and guarantee highest standards in content security.

You heard our work here

Hello! Get to know us.

We are people that care for how your film sounds. Our eagerness to remarkably perform created trust in many returning clients.

Radical technologies help us do the work you expect and excel beyond. Let’s talk about engaging in the frantic journey at the end of every film project. Shifting deadlines, missing production sounds and recuts are part of our daily life and we embrace being in the middle of a hard working team to get things done. Reach out and ask about our schedule for your upcoming film project.


Sound editorial, music editorial, sound design, ADR, re-recording and deliverables. Great Story Sound offers full service audio post.

We love to start from scratch and create believable sceneries and awesome audio design for a maximum impact on your main beats.

Our Austrian based foley studio is equipped to handcraft sounds that add textures to your characters.

Let‘s dive into XR, where we do sound for VR training and 360° films. We created, the world’s largest single immersive ambience webshop.

Audio post production mixing stage Klangkulisse

Let's have a conversation!

We're always on the lookout for exciting projects and like to hear from you. Let us know that you have been here by dropping us a line down below. Thank you for your visit.

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